After careful research and development, we believe this is the best multimedia eBook reader available on the market today. Give it a try for free, and please leave your review and your suggestions for improvement.
Inside the Embellisher, you’ll be able to read .epub3 formatted digital books that incorporate multimedia and interactive elements. In addition, you can read conventional “old school” .epub2, .pdf and .mobi formatted eBooks. The Embellisher can also play chosen background music and sound effects. Perhaps the biggest difference between using our eReader and ones like iBook and Kobo is that we use Readium’s open source code. We are not confined to proprietary software development, so we can keep adding new innovations such as the Multimedia Creator Studio that will be our next big project at EMRE Publishing. In addition, as a reader, you’ll be able to:
· Form book clubs inside the app to discuss your favorite authors.
· Send passages and chapters from the book you’re reading to your favorite social websites.
·Talk to the author and ask questions about the book or about anything you wish.
Many more features will be added as we continue down this happy road to application perfection.
If you are a publisher, business or independent author, please contact us to talk about getting a tailored version of this eReader to sell your own titles and website. We can add your brand and look or you can license this eReader to sell your own titles. You get full control of the backend Administration of the app, which includes full price controls, promotions, and moderation of your forum. Email: [email protected] for more info.